
Reference for inserting charts using Documotor

ChartInsert a basic chart based on received chart data.
ExtendedChartInsert one of the special chart types: Box and whisker, Funnel, Sunburst, Treemap, Waterfall.


The structure of the data passed to the chart bindings has to be very specific. Check out the required data structure here.


To insert a Chart using the Binding Editor, the template must already contain a blank chart and a content control surrounding it.


{ "BindingType": "Chart", "BindingKey": "ChartDataPath" }

Insert chart data to a chart already present in the template. The chart data has to fit a specified chart data format, and the content control must surround a chart or the anchor of a chart. Most basic chart types are supported, except Box and whisker, Funnel, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall charts. For them, use ExtendedChart.

If you want your chart to have data labels, you'll have to use data values instead of cell values to show the labels for the data inserted by Documotor.


string BindingType

Always "Chart" to invoke the Chart binding.

JSON path ChartDataPath

A path to the object containing the chart data. There is a specific chart data structure that the object must have.


Insert chart data to a chart. Use this binding instead of Chart when using one of the following chart types:

  • Box and whisker
  • Funnel
  • Sunburst
  • Treemap
  • Waterfall

The content control must surround a chart or the anchor of a chart. The chart data has to fit a specified chart data format.


{ "BindingType": "ExtendedChart", "BindingKey": "ChartDataPath" }

string BindingType

Always "ExtendedChart" to invoke the ExtendedChart binding.

JSON path ChartDataPath

A path to the object containing the chart data. There is a specific chart data structure that the object must have.